Dinner was amazing tonight! Probably the best food we’ve had the whole time we’ve been here! Dong and his gang cooked for us and the Johnson family and we all ate in his shop. They told us it was ordinary Chinese food, nothing special, just foods that they eat often. We had noodles, spicy noodles with beef, rice, sweet potato leaves, and potatoes with chicken. It was good to have some simple Chinese food that tasted good, and to be in a calm, friendly setting. The only down part about dinner was the chicken in the potatoes- not only were their pieces of chicken, but also a whole chicken foot, toenails and all! Aaaah!

It was quite daring of me to even eat from the same dish (I only ate the potatoes), but I wouldn’t even think of eating the chicken foot, all though they are quite popular here. Dong said that pig feet are even better.
After dinner we had more tea- so delightful!

flower tea-
The rest of the day was good too. As Dong said, we had a “lazy day”. We actually went to church this morning at Shamian Christ Church. They have a Chinese-English service
at 11.
It was a different kind of church experience… a very small building with too many people, some very loud Chinese then English singing, constant Chinese chatter in the few pews behind us, a very hyper little boy eating seaweed in front of us, and Teddi beside me who couldn’t sit still for even a second. It was actually kind of fun to watch the little boy open his seaweed snacks and shove the whole thing into his mouth, over and over again. Teddi had a sticker book and within a couple minutes, my entire left hand was covered in Disney princess stickers. We did sing Here I Am to Worship which was good, and I picked up part of the very long sermon about the Holy Spirit. Oh, and it stormed like crazy through the service, too. We were reading John 16:8 and there was a huge boom of thunder as they read it out loud.
Mmmm, only 5 days left! I’m going to be happy to go home, but I am certainly going to miss some things here, like hangin out at Dong’s drinking great Chinese tea!

Looking forward to another lazy day tomorrow! Love, peace, and chicken grease,
1 comment:
So Fun!!!!! I am glad you didn't eat the chicken feet...you can save your appitite for when I make them for a Thursday night! Miss you, and I am praying for you and the fam. Blessings, Rachel
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