Saturday, May 24, 2008

Picture Day

Saturday= mmmmm, lovely : )
We had a late breakfast- today's music was JT and Britney Spears.

We went to the park today and there was a massive group of people taking pictures. Some were taking casual pictures of people and kids at the park and some were dressed up and modeling in front of very large cameras. It seemed like what might be a photography club's park photo day or something. It was very interesting. A lot of girls were also taking pictures of Brogan. They thought he was quite adorable! Brogan was incredibly shy and did his best to ignore them.

-all these people were taking pictures of Brogan, and that was just one occassion-

- some girls dressed up -

Not much else happened- which is a good thing, just took a lot of pictures.

We had Lucy's again for dinner. I had sweet and sour chicken again, but mixed it up with a Shirly Temple instead of the usual Sprite.

I'm super excited about tomorrow- we get to go to church! Yay God! I miss church a lot. I'll let you know how it is tomorrow.
Until then, goodnight!
Oh yeah- and I watched the Spurs lose in Chinese after breakfast.
and Brady and I are playing a game that lasts the entire trip, the score is 8-7, my lead.

An assortment of pictures from today:

-another wedding car decorated in a bazillion fresh roses-

-the school, it's my favorite-

-Brady chillaxin at dinner-

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