Thursday, May 22, 2008

I love the rain, even in China

quick post - late night - stay focused, Taylor
(It's now AM already because after waiting for my mom to post to her blog, we looked through a CD full of pictures of Teddi at the orphanage from infant to present. All were adorable and some will be posted in the future. )

Today was the perfect day for rain. I woke up early, but didn't get out of bed (my favorite!) but got on the computer to post from last night, and to catch up on uploading pictures. Then went to breakfast late, came back, finished uploading pictures, watched the kids go to school out my hotel window (also my favorite!!), and then decided to get ready for my day. : ) We walked down to Dong's store again to chat and have some tea. This guy is amazing! He poured us cup after cup of green tea and red tea and flower tea as we sat and chatted about tea and other miscellaneous things. It was so China-like!

Today was also a day to simply relax- to recooperate from yesterday and to rest up for tomorrow's big day. Tomorrow we are going to Teddi's orphanage in Zhu Hai. It's going to be incredibly exciting yet, I would think, quite emotional also. I have no idea what Teddi will think or how she will feel. It must be confusing to her, though. So far she has lived in an orphanage for as long as she can remember, said goobye to sisters, met us and said goobye to Ms. Zhong, lived in a hotel for a week, been reunited with sisters, and now will revisit the home that she left, then return to the hotel for another week, then to our house. Poor girl, we can only pray for good things for her, Ms. Zhong, and the rest of her orphange friends. Another bump on this roller coaster will be visiting her "finding spot". Teddi was abandoned at a bank in Zhu Hai, and our guide will take us there tomorrow. It will surely be sad, but hopefully good also. It's going to be a very long, very crazy day. Please pray!

Taylor still in China

1 comment:

Francisco Z Rodriguez said...

you sound like a news reporter filling us in on what's going on in China. It is so cool. I miss you and can't wait to read tomorrow's blog!!!